For some situations, your parents can be helpful in breaking the news to your family, especially if it is someone that you personally do not have a close relationship with and they do. They can use the given examples above as a guide if needed. Your parents can also be helpful in being more assertive with family members who you may have had a fall out with and maybe you just feel really uncomfortable with telling them. That’s okay, lean on your support system. Also note, that you can also ask other people in your life to help you out on breaking the news as well.
Sometimes, parents may want to invite other people who you simply do not know, whether that is their coworkers, friends, or their second cousins, it can sometimes be hard to tell your parents no. It can be even harder if they are the one’s paying for the wedding. You can share with them the importance of having close friends and family at your wedding and would like for them to respect that.
I get that curating a guest list can be stressful, especially if you are running against a limited number due to our venue or budget. Remember your support system can help in this as well.